@ASTwistedFemale , @Amanda504 & @tradwife_radfem #transphobia gettr.com

Bring back men bullying other men tbfh

I’m working on that myself.

I will not stop reaching out to right wing men & even our left wing Allies to be their #brotherskeeper

Get these dudes in check! We need men in this movement!

They will not listen to women because they can beat us & get away with it but they will listen to men who promise a true beat down that will cripple them for the rest of their lives.

Reach out to men! Appeal to their protective instincts!

We need them to stand up for the women & children in their lives!

This is not just a feminist issue this is a societal issue. What kind of society do they want? One where their wives can be attacked in the bathroom/changing room & all have to accept it because “trans”?

@KCMott are you down to beat the everliving shit out of some creepy tranny pedo men in dresses or what? #brotherskeeper

Lol this gif won't show up with the gify functionality so I had to link it.



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