“To all the atheists that continue to try to dazzle everyone with your big fancy words...Blah, Blah, Blah!!”
The vocabulary of the Ray Comfort Fan, i take it?
Don’t worry, Ray would use the big words if:
1: The science actually helped his case
2: His target audience could follow along.
"We have heard it all before and guess what...you are still not convincing.”
Not convincing a creationist is not exactly a failure. It’s more of a predictable outcome.
"We have lost faith in scientist to answer some very basic questions like, “Why are we here?”
That’s more of a philosophy question, innit?
Why would you expect, say, a biologist to be able to answer that?
"How can everything come from nothing?”
The Big Bang Theory is NOT ‘from nothing.’
Blah, blah,pay better attention.
“Why is there anything instead of nothing?”
Science tells us WHAT happened, not usually ‘why.’ You’re trying to count sparrows with an ohmmeter.
“Or, if information comes from a mind, then how can the information from DNA have originated from inert chemicals?”
Define ‘information,’ please.
What’s in DNA are chemicals that cause a chain of actions in certain circumstances. Not information.
“They come up with silly things like Punctuated Equilibrium to explain the Cambrian Explosion or multi-verses to explain how everything came from nothing.”
And you know they’re silly because of your observations…where?
“Silly, silly, silly!”
Don’t forget a stamp-my-foot emoji right there.
“Is it no wonder that we laugh at your scientific mumbo jumbo?!”
Odd how you guys Insist that complexity proves god, but if the science is complex, you dismiss it.
"You don’t have to be a scientist to see that the God of the Bible makes way more sense and answers ALL of our questions with logic and reason.”
Okay, why are we here, according to God?
We heard the tale about Adam and Woman fucking things up, but no real justification for them being there in the first place…. Of why punish two kids who were literally unable to tell right from wrong.