DanteLivra #sexist #wingnut reddit.com

RE: Misrepresenting men's worries about not being able to defend themselve against an abusive women into : men just want to hit women

I remember when, during a particularly drawn-out fit of violence on her part, I threatened to call the police on my then-girlfriend if she hit me again (she was using a saucepan - didn’t hurt much unless she hit a joint). She said ‘Go ahead. We both know which one of us is going to be arrested.’

My blood went absolutely cold. It was right then that I realized that there is no backup for men in our world, no safety net of any kind except for the ones we make for ourselves. No-one cares whether we hurt or bleed, only whether we work or die.

Feminism : violence is horrible and should be condemned.

Also Feminists : it's sexist to think that women shouldn't be violent, men can and should deal with it. Women have the right to hit men, rape men and steal from men.

Also Feminists : I don't understand why MRA's criticize feminism so much.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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