Er, what? I’d say YOU are the ones with an obsession with bones that is fucking crazy. Most women don’t study male faces in nearly the detailed scrutiny that you do, and imagine that women do. Most women think “He made me laugh and laughed at my jokes, he’s got a nice smile, he cooks great food and knows how to iron; what a catch!”.
Worth an egg cell? You want them to donate an egg to you? You want to be a single father?
You can’t be intelligent if you’re so fixated only on looks, and tiny little details of the look, and fantasizing about a “Sexual Market” and “Sexual Market Value”, and think women don’t see through that Fake Nice Guy, who only pretends to get into her pants. Those are signs of lack of intelligence, dimwit.
Most sperms end up in a toilet or on a towel, or in a condom, whether you’re the loneliest man on the planet or someone riding the pussy carousel. Almost all the time when people are having sex (in progressive human-rights countries), it’s for recreational purposes, and the sperms are kept away from a possible egg. Plus, the egg is only fertile for about a day per month; most couples want to have sex more often than that. So, the sperms that don’t find an egg, either slid out the way they came in when the woman go to the toilet after the sex (good practice, or you can get a urinary infection), or out on to the sheets or on a towel, or onto underwear. Or they never get into the vagina, but are contained in a condom or dropped onto the stomach or on a towel after a pull-out.
So natural.