There are plenty. Me I guess included, though I’m not much of a heart of attention anyhow but I get my bullies, quite regularly in fact. On social media especially. Kudos on finally seeing how trying to whitewash abrahamic stuff was not a good idea in the first place. I know a lot of folks will try to use some sort of false equivalency for all religions, faiths and belief systems we have invented, as a species, however, there are ones definitely more odious and disgusting, than others. Abrahamic stuff is all cruel and hierarchical to a fault, it doesn’t even make half a sense if you take out the absolute, slave hierarchy, same for changing their godhead’s character, it just won’t make an iotta of sense. To be honest, the pagan(be it vicca or one of the european old faiths) stuff tends to give you much more of a leeway to make it a genuine empathic religion.
As for me, I’m myself a Temple satanist, which means I made empathy for others and freedom of both mind and chassis to be the central beliefs in my life. We tend to skim around abrahamic stuff, as far a imagery and esthetics are considered but only to spite and teach them of just what their “god” truly is. Submission has no value on its own, control over others, property and all such(as abrahamics like to extend it to living beings, more of a muslim than christian schtick but both are known to use it) is pretty much an odious concept, as they present it and I’m not even going to go into the baseline notion of being already destined to a fucking eternal torture basement, some asshole decided to set up for all his “children”, except a couple ones who happen to constantly kiss his ass and lick the turds. We all know what I think of even the concept, of such an arrangement.
tl;dr: I believe, that as long as you have freedom within and without, empathy and just general will to assist others in tough times, as your guiding lights, you’ll do fine with your own spiritual path. Add some liturgical pot and I might just check that thing of yours out…