MajikFireHornet #racist #conspiracy

[Is there anything the average person can do to stop this takeover?]

First, get clear of the banking system. Keep only enough banked to pay short-term bills; for the rest, use cash NOT CREDIT and get any surplus you have into a negotiable metal like silver that you PHYSICALLY POSSESS. Second, since the Jews and their stooges have turned America’s economy into a top-down, debt-financed, bankster-monitized Ponzi scheme, prepare for System Collapse by stockpiling food, water, and other necessities. Third, since System Collapse will lead to Martial Law (cf. the trial run that the Regime just carried out in Boston) and urban-rural, Left-Right, and racial Civil War, WEAPON UP. I recommend the M1a (an AR is also fine) + a good sidearm, and also stockpile ammunition for your weapons of choice. Then hit the shooting range, learn to shoot accurately, and network with like-minded Patriots. Fourth, further educate yourself at relevant sites.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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