[Is there anything the average person can do to stop this takeover?]
First, get clear of the banking system. Keep only enough banked to pay short-term bills; for the rest, use cash NOT CREDIT and get any surplus you have into a negotiable metal like silver that you PHYSICALLY POSSESS. Second, since the Jews and their stooges have turned America’s economy into a top-down, debt-financed, bankster-monitized Ponzi scheme, prepare for System Collapse by stockpiling food, water, and other necessities. Third, since System Collapse will lead to Martial Law (cf. the trial run that the Regime just carried out in Boston) and urban-rural, Left-Right, and racial Civil War, WEAPON UP. I recommend the M1a (an AR is also fine) + a good sidearm, and also stockpile ammunition for your weapons of choice. Then hit the shooting range, learn to shoot accurately, and network with like-minded Patriots. Fourth, further educate yourself at relevant sites.
You do know that silver is just a medium of exchange, just like paper, right? What good will silver do you if no-one accepts it?
How much food and water can you reasonably stockpile? Enough to last 6 months? Then what?
Something tells me that these secessionist nuts would be the first to die during a real apocalypse.
Economic reality - nothing is worth more than what people are prepared to pay for it
Social reality - a Ponzi scheme cannot involve the whole of society because it depends on recruitment to survive
Political reality - What happened in Boston was in order to catch terrorists. While the daily preductions from the far right of system collapse and martial law come to nothing, the only danger of terrorism is from MFH and his pals.
the trial run that the Regime just carried out in Boston
I don't remember any martial law being declared. True, they did urge everyone to stay indoors for a few hours while they looked for a dangerous armed suspect, but that's a far cry from taking away everyone's rights. And last I heard, since they took Tsarnaev into custody that life has pretty much returned to normal. There are no checkpoints or house-to-house gun searches.
The funny thing with all these paranoid anti-government survivalist militia whackjobs is that they stockpile weapons, food, supplies, etc because they're afraid of the government, but yet once they start stockpiling weapons they get the attention of the government. They wouldn't have anything to fear if they weren't already paranoid, but their own paranoia is what starts getting them placed on watch lists. It's like a vicious circle.
Having learned a bit about survivalism myself, the most reasonable course of action is to... stay in population centers and have a large social network.
See Somalia and the Argentinian economic collapse. The people who stayed in the cities and had skills in rebuilding infrastructure, or growing crops were the most successful. As for money, precious metals were worth less than their paper counter parts.
In both cases the lone wolf survivalist compounds were found looted with their occupants killed.
Point being, you are not Rambo. It is useful to know how to shoot, but as a member of an organized defensive force composed of fellow survivors(think old west posse). Your greatest strength is in organization and numbers.
But I digress, total US economic collapse is a pretty laughable idea, and its just plain silly to invest any time preparing for it but buying silver and guns.
Fuck, I know I've already commented but this gold shit really bugs me.
If you are going "off the grid" then the ONLY use for gold or silver is to bribe those who are still connected to the monetary system because those are the only people who might have a use for it, like if you need to pass a checkpoint, and even then it's a desperate gamble.
Once you're out in the woods or whatever, what fucking good is it to you? You can't eat it, it slows you down, and others in your situation don't want it either. IT'S SO FUCKING STUPID!
ahhhhh... that's better, I needed to get that out.
Much better "trial runs" are the devastation on Joplin, MO, and Hurricane Sandy. People helped each other. Shocking, no?
@The New Face of Rev
I know, right? Say society really does collapse. What will be more valuable?
A) a shiny, soft, ductile metal that is more dense than lead and only useful in reasonably advanced dentristry, scientific experiments and electronics
B) Gasoline, guns, ammunition, food, water, arable land, medicine, etc...
For a bunch of people ostensibly spending a lot of time thinking about Armageddon, they sure do a piss-poor job of planning for it.
Mold your gold into bullets, because if society collapses to the point where gold is a frivolous non-commodity, hey, you got bullets.
If all monetary systems collapse, barter is your best bet rather than something only of value to those bankers that terrify you. Learn to grow sustainable food sources or build shit, rather than being a psychotic hermit that will only live as long as their canned prunes hold out.
Protip: Paranoia gives you an unhealthy appetite, so not very long. Also, he who shoots first finds many people shooting back.
Stockpile lots of toilet paper because you appear to be shitting yourself quite a bit.
If I had a surplus of cash to buy precious metals with I'd spend it on beer and hookers instead, At least I'll die happy.
@New Face of Rev:
Actually, silver is useful in a collapsed world. Lining your water tank with silver makes it less friendly to pathogenic bacteria.
Gold? Yeah, if the world's fallen down around your ears, gold's just shiny heavy dirt.
Who is MajikFireHornet? Time for public naming and shaming. Glorification of the Holocaust is not acceptable. MajikFireHornet, creator of the vanished anti-Semitic hate porn blog THE SEDUCTIVE JEWESS, is David R. Luck of North Kellogg Avenue in Santa Barbara CA, age 67. This is publicly available information. See http://westernrifleshooters.wordpress.com/2012/09/04/barnhardt-on-brackens-latest/
Twisted pathological hatemongering bigotry will not be tolerated in the public square.
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