various commenters #wingnut #racist #conspiracy
( @Nature_and_Race )
Our community is being artificially seeded with subversive infiltrators whose sole purpose is to manufacture infighting between pro-Whites.
This isn't theory or conspiracy. This is a fact of reality that they admit to themselves.
( @theystandnochanceagainstus )
@Nature_and_Race They out themselves pretty easily when they resort to the usual bolshevik bullshit - i.e., rarely (if ever) any rational discussion, always name-calling, unfounded claims, projection, and almost always some sick perverted sexual shit. Literal monkey brains.
For the subverters reading this: your attempts are incredibly obvious, laughable, and pathetic, all at once. You should give up now while you still can because if you keep this up, you WILL be dealt with eventually. Keep poking the sleeping giant and you won't like the result.
( @RandolfoCalzonian )
@Nature_and_Race Everyone's common enemy is the Jew. We must unite against them, despite our great differences.
( @ApatheticExtinction )
@Nature_and_Race If someone's fire is directed at one of us then all of our fire should be directed at them. White unity at every opportunity.
You are with US or against US....there is no in between.