Lord Ashtar via Lynne Rondell #crackpot #magick #conspiracy #ufo voyagesoflight.blogspot.com

You're going to be just fine, it is a rocky road right now as the third dimensional matrix and grid system is really breaking up and all these systems are coming at you like bullets, we're going to say, but we want to let you know all the help that you have above. I want to speak and tell you exactly what is coming through.

I can see from the higher dimensions you have literally thousands and thousands of beautiful councils of light that are sending their love that are helping you with different energies coming down. You have councils of light, all kinds of beautiful ET’s, you have the angelic high councils and you have the angelic high kingdom that are all sending down energies and light.

You have them sending in christ consciousness energy through different portals and gateways onto your planet. What your planet looks like from where i am, i'm on the 12th dimension right now, is just this huge dome of white light with a gold rim around the outside of it, it's beautiful.

If you could see what we see and if you could know that all the galactic high councils that are working with you, they get together every night, they discuss what is needed for humanity, they discuss what is needed for Mother Earth, they are in communication, you have more and more councils, star beings, star nations, galaxies that you have them from all over, some so far away coming to actually see that this ascension happens very quickly and that it is a beautiful process for all of you.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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