Sacrifice the Weak. Re-open TN.
Sacrifice the Weak.
Alright. So if superpowerful aliens (like Species 8472 from ST) show up and decide “The weak (everyone but them) must perish”, I’m sure you’ll instantly volunteer to be slaughtered, right? …Thought so. It’s funny how easy it is to promote social darwinism when you think you’re at the top, but how you suddenly backpedal once you realize you’re just a small fish in a microscopic pond.
your just a small fish in a microscopic pond
Your what?
It has been purported that this is a satire. However, this is not a photo-manip of someone holding up a sign. Someone actually did come to the demonstration and hold up this sign, and the other people at the demonstration did not object, or did not object sufficiently enough for the person holding the sign to be dissuaded.
Would you like to live in a society where basic concern about human life has been debased and put lower than wanting to get a haircut? @Citizen_Justin confirmed that this sentiment seems to have been enough widespread in this crowd that basic social control didn’t deters someone from having this sign, whether seriously or parodicly.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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