Constance Oftruth #fundie #homophobia
Let me just weigh in here with an absolute. Homosexuality is absolutely wrong. It is absolutely sinful, and it is not to be promoted or tolerated.
The school has no business encouraging any type perverted sexuality or sexual act. That is specifically, homosexuality, bestiality, necrophilia, pedophilia, incest, adultery, rape or fornication. Those of us who have a basic understanding of godly principles understand relatively well how DESTRUCTIVE and HARMFUL perverted lifestyle choices actually are. Not only do they invoke the wrath of God, (HIV, syphilis, gonorrhrea, chlamydia, etc), but sexual perversion destroys marriages, which in turn decimates a healthy family structure, which in fact leads to structurally and morally unsound community.
Also, for those who don't understand that homosexual acts DO in fact change a child or person that is heterosexual, I will correct you by informing you that there are literally THOUSANDS of homosexuals who share that the reason that they are currently practicing homosexuality and or suffering under homosexual urges is because of sexual abuse and molestation committed against them by other homosexual adults AND HOMOSEXUAL CHILDREN. When these types of acts are committed during a child's sexually formative years, a child who is growing up naturally as a heterosexual suffers a sexual mutation into homosexuality. That is a fact that is often exploited by homosexual offenders who have an appetite for more homosexual partners.
So before the ungodly, immoral, sexually depraved liberals of the world think they have any kind of valid points, try working with children who are bleeding due to the sexual abuse that they have suffered from older homosexuals. Talk the to the men and women who have been raped by same sex offenders. If they survive the attacks, they are often deeply depressed and suicidal due to the horrible, destructive nature of the offense. If we are to be truly humane and decent, we can't ignore this truth for the sake of any heavily weighted, lopsided argument favoring the homosexual lifestyle.
Homosexuality is a beastly and demonic spirit. It is not harmless. And it is absolutely not simply a matter of "opinion." Finally, should you be a nonbeliever who chooses to spit hatred and anger, vitriol and lies at me because of this post, let me tell you that I expect it. What else can the world offer by vileness and evil, violence and hatred? I EXPECT the worst of you.