alpha brav0 charlie #wingnut

It's like liberals think women aren't capable of making responsible decisions and thus shouldn't take the blame. That's like the entire liberal platform.

Black people are incapable of getting an ID and getting a job, so we must let them vote without ID and give them free money.

Women are incapable of drinking responsibly, therefore they cannot consent while under the influence.

Mexicans are incapable of fixing their country, so we should let them into ours.

Women are incapable of having safe sex, so we must make abortions easily available.

Drug addicts can't help but use drugs, so we must give them free needles.

Muslim immigrants can't help but rape, so we must just allow it and just call it a sexual emergency.

I wish this were satire, but it's not.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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