You know what? About half of the Liberals are women themselves! Perhaps even more, as much of the Republican’s politics is down-right anti-women.
If black people are not able to get ID or jobs, then there is something wrong with the ID process, with the employment agencies, with the school system and with the voting system.
NO-ONE is able to make proper decisions while under the influence of alcohol. Which is why it’s a stupid idea to engage in sexual intercourse while under influence.
It’s the West, with the US in the lead, that have exploited and meddled in Mexico and countries in Central America, Africa and Asia. We (or rather our ancestors) are to blame for their troubles.
It’s when MEN fail to have safe sex that unwanted pregnancies happen. You can have sex in many different ways, but it’s ONLY when sperms are let lose in a vagina, that fertilization can happen. Some men are then very quick to rescind any responsibility for future babies, while demonizing women for having abortions when they are not able to care for a child on their own.
Drug addiction is a disease. Providing them with clean needles reduces the risk of Hepatitis C and other deadly diseases, that could spread into non-addicted society.
98 percent of all rapists are men, and most women are raped by someone they know. MEN can’t help but rape, apparently. They did a study in Sweden recently, and they found that the rise in sex crimes were NOT due to immigration, but to more things being classified as sex crimes and to an increase in willingness to report cases of sex crimes.
Primer ABC refuses to see his own involvement in the problems of the world, so he blames everyone but himself, and he blames victims for systemic racism, sexism, imperialism, etc.