Galatians 1:19 “But other of the apostles saw I none, save James the Lord's brother.”
I was at a Baptist conference in Sterling Heights where I came across a terrifying things. Self proclaimed Baptists saying they believe in the “immaculate conception!” Not the virgin birth. The “immaculate conception!” This is an untrue Papist dogma that goes directly against the Bible!
The Bible says Jesus has many brothers and sisters. Including James! The Bible only says Mary was a virgin to the point she gave birth to Jesus! She has no extra honors and isn’t the “Mother of God” or wasn’t a queen of heaven! She wasn’t born without sin through an “immaculate conception!” I’d expect this at a Papist church but at a Baptist conference? Baptist pastors need to educate better to stomp out this extreme heresy!
We don’t pray to statues or put anyone else on the level of Jesus! Especially not Mary who according to the Bible and the historical record was intimate with many other men besides her spouse Joseph after the birth of Jesus! AKA a SINNER!!!!! A HARLOT!!! It is in the BIBLE!! I don’t care what anything else besides the BIBLE says!!!
So many Baptist pastors these days suck at their jobs! We need to bring them back to real education and not fake SBC “seminaries” where they lead the flock astray with such lies as the “immaculate conception!” NO MORE STRANGE DOCTRINE IN BIBLE BELIEVING BAPTIST CHURCHES!
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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