The most high profile case in recent times was that of Herbert and Catherine Schaible. The Pennsylvanian were jailed in 2014 for allowing their 8-month-old son Brandon to die a slow and painful death from diarrhea, rather than seek medical attention. They argued their religious beliefs stipulate that illness is a sign of ‘spiritual lack’, and only prayer can cure it.
The father, Herbert Schaible, defending their decision, said:
“We believe in divine healing, the Jesus shed blood for our healing and that he died on the cross to break the devil’s power,”
What makes the case all the more shocking, is that the couple were already on probation for the involuntary manslaughter of another child. Their two-year-old child died of pneumonia in 2009 after they refused to seek medical help.
The couple were found guilty of involuntary manslaughter for the 2009 death, and sentenced to 10 years probation. A condition of their probation was that they sought medical attention if any of their surviving children became sick. Yet, within that probationary period, the couple allowed another child to die from a treatable illness. This time, their eight-month-old son Brandon.
I remember the Schaibles! Our church did a fundraising for their cause, and we, and the seven other churches that we're in fellowship with, are supporting their battle with heathenism in the legal system. The only reason they lost in court was their Hindu lawyer, but he has been fired. As Christians we have the Constitutional right to be Christians, and no pagan judge will tell us otherwise.
And if Jesus decides to take away some children, then it is His decision, and we will trust and obey in Him.
2 Chronicles 16:12-13
12 And Asa in the thirty and ninth year of his reign was diseased in his feet, until his disease was exceeding great: yet in his disease he sought not to the Lord, but to the physicians.
13 And Asa slept with his fathers, and died in the one and fortieth year of his reign.
In the name of the Lord,
One of my favorite stories I heard when I went to church was one of a man who durring a flood knows God will save him and turns down all the human help offered to him. He turns town early life rafts, police rescue boats and later a helicopter and dies. In heaven he asks God why didn't he save him and God answered didn't you see the boats and helichoper?
Now I hate the idea of thanking God for human work but to say he works though humans and saves people though us, well that makes actions like this even more deplorable.
This is just sad. I mean, they can actually look to other people who get sick and are healed by modern medicine, so why is their faith less powerful than medicine? And if this belief that illness is caused by lack of faith is true, then why aren't we atheists the sickest people on the planet? Why don't these fucking morons open their eyes for once?
Too bad they let their superstitious beliefs kill their children.
This is bad enough but Republican Representatives and church leaders often support this and push for laws protecting these primitive idiots. Some states have laws like that on the books so we probably aren't hearing about many cases.
Studies have found that many of these parents also seek medical help when THEY'RE sick. Making them the worst parents even moreso and making you wonder why they don't want medical experts to see their children. Yes, they mostly homeschool as well and separate themselves from the communities, red alert people.
Also applies to 'Sovereign Citizens' and their 'Hills Have eyes' clans.
Jerry, I have to assume that you've never seen a doctor in your life, nor do you ever intend to do so. Otherwise, you're either a hypocrite or a liar. You must really hate being forced to buy medical insurance you know you'll never need.
It would be interesting to see your reaction if you were involved in a serious auto accident, and the EMTs said, "If we get you to the hospital within 30 minutes, the doctors can repair your injuries; otherwise, you'll die."
When deciding such things for yourself, you have every right to decide to not visit a doctor. A parent, however, has a responsibility to do everything possible to save their child. You don't think there are Christian doctors? That they don't pray and believe that they act with God's blessing?
Some people deserve to be sterilized against their will...
I wouldn't be surprised if they were "pro-life". A non-sentient lump of cells must be protected, but thinking feeling children can be left to slowly die of easily treatable diseases.
I was raised pagan (Cathlo-Methodist) and was taken to doctors in my youth. I haven't seen a doctor since I was Saved. And neither have anyone in my family. Jesus heals! Glory!
In the name of the Lord,
years and years ago, when something similar happened, i posted a long rant about it on a livejournal of mine i haven't updated in almost as long; it was true then and i stand by it now. just need to find a better place to put it than a long-disused blogging forum.
Hey Jerry: why couldn't your 'Lord' heal himself from that whipping & being nailed, as directed by Mel Gibson? Or Rei Ayanami using that Spear of Longinus against him?! [/"Passion of the Christ", "Neon Genesis Evangelion"]
Quite the disease of the hands he had, never mind his 'feet', eh Jer? Your 'Lord' goes into a hotel, and bangs three nails onto the counter. He says to the receptionist 'Can you put me up for the night?!' [/Joke taken from the Rosetta Stone] >:D
...oh, but then your 'Lord' can be pwned by Iron; those nails for starters.
Judges 1:19. And where the first modern-day Iron Chariots were invented. Thus in Soviet Britain, 'Lord' worships you .
Don't forget that, Jer.
We believe in divine healing ...
So if God will save you from your own stupidity by magic, why didn't Jesus accept the devil's dare and jump from the pinnacle of the temple (Luke 4:9-12)?
Okay, my first thought was inappropriate considering children have died.
These people need to be locked away. I'm not at all a fan of the idea of state-imposed castration, but in this case I could be persuaded to make an exception...
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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