Two weeks ago, the Westerville City Council in Ohio voted 4-3 to add sexual orientation, gender identity, and gender expression to the list of classes receiving non-discrimination protection. It’s no longer legal to be denied housing or employment, for example, just because you’re LGBTQ.[…]
Council member Valerie Cumming voted in favor of that change, and she now says her family has been targeted by conservative activists as a result.
“On Sunday afternoon I arrived home from our Thanksgiving vacation to find that someone left a bag on my doorstep with two copies of an article titled ‘Democrats and their Coalition of the Damned.‘”
With a cover letter saying “Happy Thanksgiving from Your Neighbors,” the letter says “pro-choice women…should ask themselves, if I had crossed my legs instead of my fingers…” and refers to “…organized sexual deviants demanding acceptance of their perversions by the general culture.”
“There were two copies of it — one addressed to me, and one addressed to my children,” Cumming said…
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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