/It is. This was God's wrath. There are no homosexuals nor gay supporters who are true Christians and worship the God of the Bible./
I'm pretty sure there are a few homosexual Christians out there. Plus, I'm Christian and I support gay rights. FAIL.
/Every gay "Christian" worships a man-made god which is nothing like the Bible. Sure, gay people can go to Heaven, but they must repent./
*incoming self-righteous tirade*
/That means ask Christ to come into one's heart, admit that homosexuality is immoral, perversion, selfish, wrong, a sin, etc., and to allow the Holy Spirit to come in and destroy this sin from their life and be turned into either a heterosexual or a person who never has sex./
I knew it. First of all, there is nothing wrong with homosexuality. It doesn't hurt anyone. It's different, yes, but it's not wrong. Second of all, I'd be willing to bet that there were some homosexual virgins. Lastly, homosexuals cannot "change" into heterosexuals unless they're actually bisexual. You can pray as long and hard as you want, Purple Girl. It's not going to change a thing.
/If you truly love God, you will put God first and be willing to give up anything for God, suffer anything, and take whatever consequences. Of course gayness feels good./
Wait...what? How would you know?
/All sins do,/
No, not really. Depending on what the sin is, a person can feel really bad after just committing it.
/All sins do, and the feel good factor is a test to see if you love God more or love the sin more./
Again, not everyone feels good after doing something wrong. Most of the time, they don't. So, I don't know where you're getting this from.
/Gluttony, murder, disrespecting one's parents, drunkeness, drug use all feel good as well./
Really? Murder feels good? Maybe for amoral psychopaths, it does, but I highly doubt that most people who commit murders can happily go to sleep at night.
/This being said, a true-Christian will speak against homosexuality, abortion, etc., at any cost,/
Instead of loving their neighbors, who just happen to be gay. Instead of not judging them. Of course.
/but will NEVER harm those who do these things nor encourage such harm./
Thank goodness. At least there's some hope for this person.