Justin Rickenbaugh, Richard Keen, and Ryan Deffenbaugh #wingnut #conspiracy #crackpot msn.com

(Justin Rickenbaugh)
The Nazis were socialist. That's left wing

(Richard Keen)
Fascism is a left wing ideology buddy. It is socialism on a National scale rather than a global scale. Read Giovanni Gentile, read the 25 point plank of the NDSP, then try to sell that as "right wing". If you read the 25 point plank on the floor of the DNC, changing just 1 word out for "the %1", you would be hailed as the 2nd coming of Obama.

(Ryan Deffenbaugh)
There's nothing right-wing about fascism. It endorses socialist based redistribution of wealth, and they openly admitted to it in Germany and Italy when taxing the rich.
Just another "I've never read the book" before kind of person. Just another keyboard warrior that gets all his propaganda from wikipedia.
How about you bring all your sources against the Doctrines of Fascism, and we find out who's right? Or are you "offended" by that?



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