Various Commenters #sexist #transphobia #wingnut

RE: The future libfems want for us...


spoilerLiberal Arts U 2020

"You know why we have to wear these, our bodies are invalidating to trans women"

Their heads might explode if they had to choose between validating transwomen AT ALL COSTS or potentially committing islamophobic cultural appropriation by stealing their proud history of misogynistic dress.

And boy oh boy, those are two groups the libs love to coddle that I want to see go head to head over conflicting interests so bad.


The men will win. Muslim women have already been told they’re transphobic for not wanting to remove their head coverings around TIMs.

And now these women are in a classic lose/lose situation. Go uncovered around male TIMs and be branded "whores" on one side. And being branded as bigots if they make the opposite choice. The only way they "win" is staying locked in their fathers homes forever

Trans wins every single time. There is literally no exceptions. They scream at Muslim women to "get over" their irrational fear of dicks.

Thank you, these issues are very much in parallel among liberals. You would think the only atrocities in the wold were happening in Israel, the Palestinians and other Arab countries in particular are completely innocent, Jews don’t count as an oppressed group, and anti US sentiment is something to be encouraged.

The cognitive disconnect and black and white thinking liberals claim to be so innocent of is very present in their understanding of TRA and the Middle East.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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