excuse me, but what is so hard to understand when the bible describes the act? man lying with man as he would a woman. homosexuality, just as it is with sex between heterosexuals before marriage, is a sin. Jesus even said that looking at someone with lust in your heart is the same as adultery. even if someone is a "closet" homosexual that has never acted on it, their thoughts of lust is the same thing. people want to hang on to their sin and never want to let it go. the point about GOd's love and the lenghts He went to to prove it, even the greatest sinner isn't too far for Him to redeem and make a new creature. He is the one who made you, knows everything about you, and still loves you. despite knowing our sins, that we'd reject Him, and that He had to die for His plan of remeption to be fulfilled, He still gave up His life and took our place on the cross. the main reason why people don't want to accept His forgiveness is because they would have to admit that they're a sinner in need of that redemption.
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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