various commenters #wingnut #racist

( @KeepNHGranite )
How many times do they have to tell us that White people are the greatest threat to "our democracy" before we realize that “their democracy” is the greatest threat to us?

( @TheRealN8errific1 )

( @CharlesPNW )

They didn’t care about democracy in 1865, they didn’t care about democracy in 1965 and they don’t care about democracy NOW.

They care about eliminating the White race.

They just use democracy as a tool of destruction and punishment.

( @CN32 )
@KeepNHGranite Part of Jewish tactic. They play the victim when they're the attacker while accusing us of being the attacker when we are the victim. "The Jew cries out in pain as he strikes you"

( @YiddishGypsies )
@CN32 @KeepNHGranite This "jew" you talk about, is a yiddish-gypsy, indigenous to ukraine, who's ancestors within in the recent centuries "converted" to judiasm and now falsely call themselves semites who are from another continent. Yiddish-gypsies have religious laws called mitzvahs that REQUIRE them to LIE, CHEAT, BEGUILE, ENSLAVE, DISRESPECT all other non-tribe-members, that is the backbone of their entire culture.

( @wakeupscreaming )
@KeepNHGranite oh, i think Kanye identified the greatest threat to democracies, and was deplatformed and cancelled for noticing.

( @Anatoly_Dyatlov )
@wakeupscreaming @KeepNHGranite
The hook nose jews.

( @eternalfreedom )
@KeepNHGranite democracy=oligarchy

It's fake and gay

( @HorstWessel88 )
@eternalfreedom @KeepNHGranite It's more of a plutocracy then an oligarchy all staffed at the high level by jews pushing in the same direction with only a few disputes over whats best for jews

( @HorstWessel88 )
@KeepNHGranite Ezra pound told us democracy is currently defined by a country run by jews. All we need to know

( @Ulrik_Pedersen )



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