Robin Ortiz #fundie #conspiracy

What's happening in the world today is NOT "climate change." These are the end-time signs that are increasing. Climate can neither affect all of those asteroids getting closer and with greater frequency or the earthquakes in places that rarely have them, or the Sun's untimely behavior or what is happening miles under our feet deep within the earth, as well as in the furthest reaches in space. The media lies to us. "Climate change" doesn't explain half of what is actually occurring everywhere all around us. After their supposed "climate apocalypse" that collapses the planet near 2030 finally takes place, one man will arise seemingly having all the answers to a hurting world in need of such a leader. Remember this. You know who he is and what he will do.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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