Alex Newman #conspiracy #wingnut #homophobia #transphobia #racist
-The U.S. dollar will continue to decline as the Federal Reserve destroys it, losing more and more purchasing power even compared to other declining fiat currencies. As this accelerates — and there could be a catastrophic plunge in 2021 — the push for a digital one-world currency controlled by the International Monetary Fund will grow. The move toward a “cashless society” will also pick up steam.
-Independent farmers, ranchers, businessmen, miners, loggers, and other producers will continue to face the wrath of the establishment, all over the world. The plot to centralize control over all economic activity will gain steam, especially with the religious cover now provided by Pope Francis and his Rothschild-backed “Coalition for Inclusive Capitalism With the Vatican.”
-All of this economic misery will provide the justification for the globalist campaign to have a “Great Reset” to fundamentally transform everything from the economy and education to governance and business. The engineered economic crisis, which has been building for many years but went into high-gear with the COVID lockdowns, will be used to “Build Back Better” (more technocratic, less free) from the ashes.
-War on the family waged by the elites through the United Nations and the massive battery of “NGOs” will keep getting more and more intense. The sexual and homosexual and now transgender revolutions, all of which are aimed at undermining the family as the basis for society, will go into warp speed.