various commenters #interphobia #transphobia

( Dusty )
Does anyone else feel like they're the only sane person in the asylum?
I was watching Khelif's latest interview, in this one he's wearing makeup and acting very demure and "feminine", unlike every other time we've seen him flexing his muscles and every other video or picture of him where he's barefaced and strutting around and posing like a "cool guy".

So now, you'd expect anyone with eyes to see that he's putting on a performance, right? No, suddenly it's "See! She was a woman all along. Look how feminine she is here!"

I mean, this a joke, surely? Are people really buying this bullshit? It's like watching the world's worst confidence man dressing up as a woman to scam idiot aristocrats in a 60s screwball comedy. To the audience, it's obvious the conman is a man dressed as a woman, and we all laugh as the dumb aristocrat fawns over them and calls them a beautiful woman. I mean, as a society, we used to understand the joke, we used to see this for what it was. What's happened?

( NoName )
They know he's a man. They're just enjoying gaslighting people.

As far as being sane, this is the only forum I can go to where this can be discussed without being shut down.

Actually, I can barely even call men out for violence against women. That gets me called a "misandrist" and people pretend just as many women beat up men as the other way around. It's nuts.

I feel sane here. Y'all are sane.

( Dwarfjade )
I feel crazy too. No one irl wants to hear me complain about two people with Y chromosomes winning women’s Olympic boxing. Oh well

( Chronicity )
Watch how people call him a “cis woman” and act like it’s ludicrous that anyone would clock him as a man. We are supposed to believe there are legions of women out there who look just like this man.

But these same people accept without question that TIMs will experience life-threatening gender dysphoria if they can’t look like women do. You know, like the complete opposite of Khelif.

( CrimsonSoleil )
That’s a great point. If women can look like this boxer, why have any surgeries at all?



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