various commenters #wingnut #racist
( @Nature_and_Race )
The greatest threat facing the world today isJewish supremacism.
I say this genuinely and sincerely, not
exaggerating one single bit.
Jewish supremacy is destroying the entire
world right now.
( @SundayNiteDriver )
@Nature_and_Race the Jews must be stopped at all cost. Souls are on the line.
( @Sorin13 )
@Nature_and_Race I think Kanye could attest as well. Nigga lost like 1.2 billion just by naming the jew.
( @alexpulse231 )
@Nature_and_Race I will not stop saying so: the Jews must be removed from power to all costs. But they have gone too far with their crimes against humanity, and their attempts to commit a genocide against the white race makes them deserving of being completely eradicated. If you Google the 12 crimes against humanity, you'll see the Jews are guilty of absolutely all of them.
( @Friss_Blei )
@Nature_and_Race look around you,its all leading back to a jew.inflation?jew.crime in the streets?jew. weather modification?jew.busted up roads?jew.the PAINT on your wall probably makes some jew somewhere rich....THATS HELL,my friend!!
( @BrandoUC )
@Nature_and_Race the jew fears most when the goys realize nobody likes the jews... once the consensus is observed, action is taken, and they cannot have that.
( @Dookle )
Get the fuckin Jews out of America if we want to survive. Read the Jews Talmud.
( @revshadwellshitpeas )
@Nature_and_Race I did not realise that until a few months ago.
For over 50 yrs,I believed anyone saying that was just a hate filled moron.
How wrong I was.
But...I hate the Zionists.
MOSSAD,the Blood Lines.
I wish no harm on ordinary,law abiding Jews,I just wish they would speak up,about the damage these evil ones do in the name of their religion.
( @jcs379 )
@revshadwellshitpeas @Nature_and_Race ordinary hew is still a jew and is loyal to israel and jewry, not to christ or america ..they have to go , they are parasites and sustain themselves without the host
( @DakotaAnnieLori )
Khasarians! They’re not even Hebrew/Jews! They are the bloodline of Satan,Zionists. The Rothschilds and all their lineage!