Christine Gavin #fundie #racist #wingnut #conspiracy

If only the USA would repent of its idolatry of Israel/Palestine & remember who Jesus was referring to when he said he did not come to those who were about to kill him, but to the 10 lost tribes of Israel. Then they would see that the USA is Zion & Israel, the country brought back from war & now a place of ‘unwalled villages’ is the believing remnant as numberless as the stars of heaven. God asks the question ‘are you he’ because as in all rhetorical questions, the answer is no! The Fake Ashkenazi/Khar Zarian Jewish mafia Cabal have been using those scriptures, fulfilling them themselves to justify every atrocity they have ever committed! And USA like King David has so much blood guilt they are disqualified from building the Temple, because they still interpret the scriptures through these liars!

So while it is commendable that you are finally recognising Russia cannot be Gog or Magog, not until you interpret Rev 9 & 20 for yourselves & correctly will you see these same liars have convinced you the return of Christ/God’s avenging Angel—Abaddon/Apollyon is the Anti-Christ, when he is obviously Trump, & like Putin/Russia & Isaiah 18;7 predicts them as saviours of the world. ( Yet Solomon was able to build the temple & as shown on page’264 of ‘Apollyon Rising, where 2 ‘messiahs’ are predicted, Jesus & Apollo, both represented by the number 888, which added together number 1776. The year of the ‘great work’ & also the establishment of the Illuminati. he has done it through your Founding Father’s the faithful Masons who rightly interpreted the scriptures which wolves like Horne have corrupted, inverting the ‘truth in plain sight’ to accommodate & establish the Babylon Whore Church which has fed them all so well for so long.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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