nopenottoday #transphobia

RE: Is anyone else against "preferred pronouns"?

This movement is backed by a lot of powerful loons with crazy ideas about transcending the flesh and becoming genderless and sexless and other crazy shit. These people don't want to keep this shit to themselves, they want to manipulate humanity into joining in. Don't ask me why. I really don't know. It's illogical and bizarre beyond belief, but its true.

These people are rich and smart and they know that language influences reality to the point where you will see the world in an entirely different way based on the words you use. That's where preferred pronouns began. That's where this all began. The more you realize that everything in our modern world is methodically manipulated to make us act and think a certain way the more everything starts to make sense. Preferred pronouns contribute to this end goal. It's amazing how quickly society has degraded since implementing these preferred pronouns especially the woke cities here in America. People get very angry when someone refers to a man or a woman as their proper sex. It's powerful enough to make people even violently angry at those who don't comply.

My point is that it's powerful stuff and no one should ever make the mistake of thinking it's just words. It was never just words.

See the Ben Shapiro video where he gets threatened by that man because he called him a man. Everyone in the room was hamstering to justify the violence. It's really quite fascinating to watch. They really thought it was okay for that man to treat Ben that way because he called him a man.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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