Various Incels #sexist #wingnut

LifeFuel Abortion in Poland is officially ILLEGAL [nine animated emoji of Pepe waving two lightsabres around happily]

Gigalifefuel boyos, the femoids are losing their minds because we took their ability to murder kids. before it was only a proposition, now it's reality. 2021 is starting to become a great year

what an incredibly fucked up sentence. women protesting for the "right" to murder their own infant offspring

It was already illegal except for some special cases like children with genetic disorders and the handicapped. This tweak will only raise the rates of inceldom

Good thing sex is not that big a deal, right ? I mean all these women will have to do is to keep their legs closed. That shouldn't be too hard. Oh wait I forgot they could also use the dozens methods of contraception available, but then there are even fewer reasons to complain, right ?

foids are bitching and crying because now they have to drive to Germany to get an abortion, boohoo what an inconvenience. imagine being a trucel who has to fly over the Atlantic or Pacific just to escortcel legally

(The Cagot)
It's a very good news, abortion is murder and an horror. Now foids will have to stop fucking anyone at sight just for fun.




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