Dr. Thomas A. Droleskey #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy #homophobia #racist christorchaos.com

While I admit right readily that there will be no getting the “toothpaste back in the tube” again if one of the socialists vying for the presidential nomination of the organized crime family of the false opposite of the naturalist left winds up getting elected on Tuesday, November 3, 2020, it is only a matter of time before one of their number does managed to capture the White House. The demographics of the country are changing, and the very fact that the likes of the Jewish-born atheist and supporter of Marxism-Leninism despite labeling himself as merely a “socialist,” something that is evil in and of itself, United States Senator Bernard John Sanders (Independent, People’s Republic of Vermont), has the kind of enthusiastic support that he does is yet another proof of the effective nature of the ideological brainwashing and programming that has been taking place in America’s concentration camps, which go by the official euphemism of “public schools,” and of the constant drumbeat of leftism that is promoted by the so-called entertainment industry and by the mainslime media.

Another contributing factor to the rise of the “left” is the very prominent role played by the lords of conciliarism and their embrace of the naturalist, religiously indifferentist, Pelagian and anti-Incarnational civil state of Modernity that is the logical byproduct of Protestantism and Judeo-Masonry. Most, although not all, of the formerly Catholic elementary and secondary schools, colleges and universities and graduate and professional schools are run by “leftists” of one sort or another, which is why the curriculum of formerly Catholic educational institutions is almost indistinguishable from their state-run counterparts.

The lies of “global climate warming” and environmentalism, statism, socialism, communism, relativism, utilitarianism, materialism, hedonism, religious indifferentism, pantheism, paganism and positivism are interwoven into the very fabric of public programs of state-sponsored, taxpayer subsidized indoctrination and ideological programming, noting that it is parishioners in formerly Catholic parishes in the control of the conciliar revolutionaries who subsidize the systematic destruction of even vestigial remains of the sensus Catholicus by lying about, misrepresenting and distorting the genuine history of the Catholic Church while extolling every false religion and atheism itself as superior to the true Faith. The sin of Sodom and all its perverted vices are now being promoted by the very same kind of ideologues whose predecessors sought to undermine the inherent innocence and purity of children by immersing them even in “pre-school” programs in the most vile, vulgar instruction in matters pertaining to the Sixth and Ninth Commandments, an immersion that is continued throughout the indoctrination process. Loads upon loads of children thus indoctrinated have grown up to be “Bernie Bros” or supporters of that eminent Biblical “scholar,” the sodomite named Peter Paul Montgomery Buttigieg, the reprobate who remains in perfectly standing in the counterfeit structures of conciliarism Joseph Robinette Biden, Jr., the hideous screech of a socialist who advanced her career by touting herself as having “Native American” heritage, Elizabeth Ann Herring Warren Mann (Madam Pocahontas: My late mother’s race is listed as American Indian on her marriage and death certificates, a categorization based on her adoptive maiden name as Norma Florence Red Fox, whose adoptive father was a vaudevillian performed who claimed, falsely, to be a Sioux Indian chieftain, but I never once used these documents in any manner as to do so would be to engage in a deception such as the one you perpetrated to boost your own career), the egregious pro-abort and a serial thrower of binder and temper tantrums (see Former Kobuchar Staffers Complain of Mistreatment and Bad Temper) named United States Senator Amy Jean Klobuchar Bessler or, among the other minor played, Michael Rubens “Nanny State” Bloomberg, about whom an entire section of this commentary will be devoted. Those devoid of any understanding of First and Last Things are prone to seeking utopia on earth, heedless of the fact that the entirety of creation has been resent asunder by Original Sin and is worsened further still by the Actual Sins of men. Such people are likely to blame the Cornavirus, no matter its probable origins in a Red Chinese laboratory in Wuhan, or the locusts that have devoured entire farms in Africa before passing into Dubai and traveling to Red China itself on the current president of the United States of America, Donald John Trump, rather than see them as plagues sent by the good God to chastise His rational creatures so that those who are in need of conversion will do so and those members of His true Church who have lapsed into Mortal Sins and show no sign of repentance or a desire to amend their lives will to go Confession and do penance for their sins.

Sadder still, the lies of Americanism are propagated even in many fully traditional Catholic venues, predisposing the young to believe that “democracy” provides us with an “opportunity” to thwart the very evils that have received protection under the cover of the civil law and are promoted with abandon throughout all the crooks and nannies of what passes for popular culture precisely because of the lie called “popular sovereignty.” Such Catholics are taught, whether wittingly or unwittingly, to seek their secular salvation, if you will, in “conservatism” and to believe that an election will hold back the gates of hell if it turns out the “right” way.

Despite all the agitation, however, evil keeps getting advanced in greater or lesser increments. It is not exactly “good” that President Donald John Trump, who has certainly been and continues to be the target of disinformation campaigns and the politically-driven prosecution of people in his orbit in whom he placed unwarranted trust as he did not care about their amoral ways, has appointed a sodomite, Richard Allen Grenell, currently the United States Ambassador to the Federal Republic of Germany, to be the United States Director of National Intelligence.

The “lesser evil,” if not an absolute “good” or “essential” in the eyes of many of those who support the president reflexively and without any degree of critical evaluation, has done much to mainstream the homosexual collective’s agenda. It is tragic that so few seem to care or notice that silence about the incremental increase of evil is blameworthy as it is easy to speak out against the caricatures of evil that are seeking the nomination of an organized crime family of naturalism that would have warmed the hearts of the late Eugene Victor Debs, still late Norman Mattoon Thomas or the equally late Arvo Kustaa Halberg (Gus Hall). It is not easy to avoid being blinded by the excitement of the moment. One must come to realize that the dangers to one’s nation, no less one’s own immortal soul, are usually crafted by the adversary to advance evils so gradually as to go undetected until they become part of everyday living. In other words, according to the adage, “the devil without his tail is more dangerous than the devil with his tail.”



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