Makedon-Slav37 #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

My opinion about Albanians

Albanians are the same as Jews. They promote and support leftism for Macedonian, Serbs and Montenegrins but they segregate themselves out of the same laws and politics they voted for. They are literally the worst minority u could have in your country, in every city-area they are above 4% of the population that land becomes politically unstable.

The only positive thing i could say about Albanians is that they are socially right wing. They are against lgbt, against ethnic mixing and they have modesty that was left from the Turks. Other than this stuff they are literally cancer of an ethnicity, they always play the victim complex even if they obviously did something bad. Example for victim complex is the monstrosity mass murder of Macedonians teens in Smilkovci. When u visit and read forums or youtube comments u will be surprised by how much conspiracy theories they will say before they admit some Albanians really did genocide.

And don't get me started by visiting Albanian TV channels, they openly talk about fulfilling their own ethnic radical ideologies. Now u can't find much in English but if u know a little Albanian u will be surprised how much radicalism they openly speak.

But u know i can't get that angry at Albanians as much as i get angry at my own ethnicity, Serbs and Montenegrins. Macedonians would rather get AIDS than to admit they share same Slavic history and tribes with Bulgarians.

My only goal is to find a good wife that will bear me 4 kids. I will teach em to be as greedy as Jews, as loyal as Japanese samurais and religious as Arabs.



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