"The only person I have seen the Left comfortable condemning is Hitler, and at that, not for his tyranny, secret police, or his totalitarian (and totally incompetent) economic policies, but merely for his racism: and they only disapprove of Hitler so that they can call Republicans Hitlers."
Osama bin Lardarse. He should've been drowned at birth, just like Hitler, he was just as much an inferior subhuman.
My physician is a Sufi Muslim. Sufis are Islam's equivalent of Buddhists.
Billy Bragg, musician and left-wing activist. Not exactly Stalin, Pol Pot, Fidel Castro, or the Kims, is he.
There's your argument fucked.
"When real racism rears its ugly head, as when paynim terror-bombers call Jews the sons of apes and pigs, the Left will utter soothing words of moral equivocation, change the subject, and counter attack"
Even the KKK have disassociated themselves from Fred Phelps & his WBC. And the latter are as anti-Semitic as the Klan.
There's your argument fucked II.
Hitler was a right-winger. You are a right-winger. Arnold Schwarzenegger is a Republican, but - unlike Hitler (who, like Arnie, was Austrian) - is pro-Choice.
Are you and your GOP kind pro-Choice?
There's your argument fucked III, and you've struck out, John C...: