PornAccount62001 #ableist
I don’t like autistic people, and would choose to never associate with them if I had the choice
On the high functioning side of the spectrum, they are tiring to be and annoying and weird. I’m tired of having awkward conversations because they don’t know how to read human interactions or don’t enjoy the conversation topic. I don’t like having to carefully plan out what I say because they don’t understand human inflection or body language.
On the lower function side of the spectrum are the non-verbal ones who I don’t know how to interact with at all. Am I supposed to try and treat them like a baby? Do I ignore them? Do I treat them like a functioning person despite not being one? To what level am I supposed to help with basic tasks?
In the middle functioning side are people who have both issues. They can try and maintain basic conversation but may require almost babying or extreme care when it comes to social tasks. I have to try and help them while also not seeming to patronize them
There are also issues with almost everyone on the spectrum as well
A lot of autistic people are extremely passionate about a small selection of topics, and can’t maintain conversations or such well of it doesn’t relate to these topics
I also don’t like how the media portrays autism. Hardly anyone is a rain man type virtuoso genius, and most are like I have previously described. But a decent amount of higher functioning autistic people or parents seem to have a since of superiority because maybe one or two important/interesting people are autistic as well.
And don’t say “blah blah blah you’ve only met one or two people like that” cause I haven’t. My brother is mid functioning so for years I had to go to special education events and was even forced to ride the short bus because we went to the same school. I have plenty of experience dealing with people from the highs and lows of the spectrum