Gary Cass #fundie #homophobia #forced-birth

Top Ten Anti-Christian Acts of 2014

2014 was another wild and frustrating year for American Christians as the threats to our liberties and values are increasing. Here are the results of our online poll of the Top Ten Anti-Christian Acts of 2014. It’s not as predicable as you might think.

Rather than getting lost in the trees and not recognizing the forest, lets look at the larger trends revealed in the poll, and they are disconcerting.

Political correctness about social issues, (sexual deviancy and abortion) has been institutionalized publicly and privately. Biblically faithful Christians and their institutions are being pressured to compromise their values and accept arbitrary, tyrannical, secular ethics or feel the wrath of politicians, the courts, the academy, the media, and business.

Churches are being coerced to subsidize abortions, a pastor is on trial for telling the truth, ministers are bullied by a tyrannical mayor, and Christ is continuing to be blasphemed on network TV.

This is a sobering set of facts, but ones that ought to stir us to action, not resignation. As we pray and act, we do so in faith that God can turn us back to him. The means He uses our bold, counter-cultural voices of Truth. Christ calls us back to reality and to respect for His ordained institution of marriage and the sanctity of life created in His image and freedom to declare the whole counsel of God’s Word.

Share this list with your family and friends. We MUST engage in concerted prayer, evangelism and seek FIRST God’s Kingdom and His righteousness. America is ripe for either God’s justice or a heaven sent revival.

1. Christian colleges are now facing a new threat to their institutions... allow homosexual behavior or be stripped of accreditation. The New England Association of Schools and Colleges is threatening to strip Gordon College, of their accreditation unless the college accepts “homosexual practice” by it’s students.

2. Federal Judge, Michael Posner, ignored Supreme Court precedence and allowed a frivolous lawsuit to move forward against American minster, Scott Lively. Lively is a minister and an attorney and was invited by the Ugandan legislature to help them create laws to protect their society from the homosexual movement. Sexual Minorities Uganda (SMUG), hauled Rev. Lively to US Federal Court under international law accusing him of “crimes against humanity.”

3. Annise Parker, the lesbian Houston mayor, ordered city’s churches to turn over sermons, any e-mails, text messages, and other communications that talk about homosexuality, gender identity issues, or Annise Parker herself. The pastors were targeted after organizing descent against a rbill passed by the city council that allowed transgender individuals to use the bathroom of their choice. After news spread throughout the Country, Parker’s attorney’s dropped the subpoenas.

4. HGTV canceled a new program, “Flip It Forward”, because of the stars support of traditional marriage. The series followed the life of two brothers, David and Jason Benham, as they helped struggling families buy fixer-upper homes and transform them into forever homes. Both brothers have been vocal about their support for traditional marriage.

5. The Girl Scouts USA introduced family planning into their curriculum in partnership with Planned Parenthood. The Girls Scouts also tout the founder of Planned Parenthood, Margaret Sanger, as an “eloquent woman”.

6. California churches are now required to cover the costs of abortions as “basic health care.” The state legislature is trying to exploit a “loop-hole” in the national healthcare law for the pro-abortion agenda.

7. Mozilla CEO, Brendan Eich, was forced to resign from the huge tech company he founded after it was discovered he donated $1,000 towards legislation to uphold traditional marriage in California. Proposition 8 was a ballet initiative in support of traditional marriage that was approved by a majority of California voters, but was later ruled unconstitutional by the California Supreme Court.

8. American tax dollars are still being used to pay for abortions. The Government Accountability Office (GAO) in Washington, found that at least 1,036 plans use your tax dollars to fund abortion-on-demand.

9. A California male high school teacher returned as a woman from spring break. 56 year-old married father, Gary Sconce, has been a teacher at the rural Yosemite High School for 24 years. But after a letter was sent to the parents, he returned from the break as “Karen Adell Scot.”

10. “I only wish the Virgin would’ve had an abortion,” was belted out in a song by musical guest, Kristeen Young, on CBS’s The Late Late Show with Craig Ferguson. “The song,” according to Young, “is about the centuries of religious persecution of women.”



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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