various commenters #wingnut #racist
Anybody who can't tell the whole "Hispanics are conservative now" thing is a psyop to convince conservatives to do amnesty for cheaper wages and White replacement is retarded.
What happened last time conservatives were promised Hispanics were "natural conservatives"?
D'port D'nesh
@Caudill @Halp I don't know. Dinesh may have an unfortunate accident on his way to the boat home.
@Halp Punjabi street shitter promoting a beaner... Peak GOP.
@Halp She looks – and I'm not trying to joke or be mean here, I'm being serious – developmentally disabled.
@ACL9000 most mestizos are
@Halp Only dumb faggots still give a shit about the two party system.
@Halp We've established that the GOP is multicultural and inclusive of niggers and hispanics. So how does that make it any different than the democrat party it's supposed to oppose?
Western democracy means you get a choice between two left-wing parties. We must break-free of this false dichotomy.
@Halp The GOP was always for faggots and kikesuckers. Nothing's changed, there is no 'new'.
@Halp Street shitter humping for a Mexican tranny. The republican triple crown.
@Halp The brown GOP coalition stick together and hype each other. It's almost like skin tone is more important than ideology.
@Halp you just know kikes get a kick out of puppeteering this faggot all the time