Vera Oredsson and Mourning the Ancient #wingnut #homophobia #racist #conspiracy

This interview is with[…]Vera Oredsson[…]Participated in the great rallies that we can only dream of[…]
[Mourning the Ancient]Can you tell us any important memories you have of living in Germany during the Third Reich?
[V]My greatest uplifting memory I have is from May 1st, 1938 in the Berlin Sportpalast[…]We who formed the white background were a bit envious – but the sun came ---- and the FÜHRER – what an ovation[…]Berlin was a terribly immoral den of pedophiles and gays mixed in with the symptoms of the unemployment and the Communist assault[…]
Goebbels made Berlin a safe, moral city – and did so FAST. Life-affirmation through Adolf Hitler came back[…]
[MtA]You took over leadership of the Nordic Reich Party[…]Can you tell us what it was like being Sweden's first female party leader?
[V]I didn't take over the leadership, but Göran gave it to me surprisingly during a ceremony at the statue of Charles XII[…]My National Socialist conviction occured through my experiences in Germany[…]while Göran was BORN a National Socialist[…]We were a team for 48 years – until skeletal cancer took Göran[…]It is the fault of Democracy[…]Pesticides were forbidden in NS Germany and the factories moved to other countries like Sweden[…]
[MtA]When I saw the quote in your interview with ETC in 2014[…]('I am a National Socialist to the grave'), it gave me strength[…]
[V]My NS belief I retained due to all the lies and false propaganda in movies among other things[…]For example: The lie being spread that Hitler wanted to take over Poland[…]
[MtA]Have you had any experiences where you have been treated badly for your political beliefs?
[V]Certainly we have shared our part of being hated[…]
[MtA]Things have changed drastically[…]since WW2. How do you see the future of the world? Will it get worse before it gets better?
[V]Certainly I am worried! Sweden especially is in the danger-zone of the greatest degree through the Jewish-imposed trend of miscenegation and immigration of Muslims



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