onlytheghosts #wingnut #conspiracy
(Submitter: OnlyTheGhost has his name crossed out indictating that his account has been deactivied)
Japan's hospitals are getting close to their limit, and the crisis is exposing how fake the infection statistics nationally are. The number of hospitalised patients exceeds 80% of the number of beds that have been announced as being secured, in 9 prefectures. This is 5 more prefectures than those which are already declared as under a State of Emergency. The prefectures under a current national State of Emergency are Tokyo, Osaka, Fukuoka, Hyogo. Fukui prefecture has independently declared a State of Emergency. Most other prefectures in Japan are at 50% of capacity.
Officially, Japan has 8,173 infection cases. Of these, officially, 117 are serious or critical, with the rest either asymptomatic or mild (not needing hospitalisation). Clearly, the official number for serious and critical is false.