Aita Channeling Her Higher Self #ufo #conspiracy #magick #crackpot
There is no missing link because Mankind did not evolve spontaneously on this earth. Mankind was created. We have been taught to think that we are the only beings that exists on this earth and, in fact, the only beings that exist in the universe. We are all that there is and all that there will be. In fact we have millions of galactic brethren. And it is our galactic brethren that created us.
Various extra terrestrials, throughout the ages, came to earth and taking the primates that were here, they mixed them with their own DNA and so created human beings, created us.
We have within our physical bodies, Draco Reptilian, Pleiadian, Arcturian, and other extra terrestrial DNA. Over eons of time in test tubes, the best of these species characteristics were used to create our physical bodies, to create the template that houses our Soul.
And we are only one of the species that dwell here on earth. The difficulty is that we all look the same, we all look human, so we assume that we are all human. We are not.
There is also a race of draco reptilians. They are the true terrorists, they are the wicked ones, the violent, the evil beings who live off our fear.
While we are inherently kind, loving and peaceful, they worship torture, disaster, pain and foremost of all they love our fear. We are fed by love and energized by joy. They are fed by our fear and energized by hatred and death. They literally drink our blood. They treat us and our children as lab rats, as cattle, that they kill and maim and eat at will.
And this is as it was meant to be by Divinity itself. We talk of the devil, of evil. What is evil? In our world, here on planet earth today. It is these draco reptilians that are evil.