CertifiedRabbi #fundie reddit.com
I've been red-pilled about IQ since I was 14 and I just turned 30. So I've been following this particular topic for about 16 years now. I've also been an IQ evangelist for about 9 years now. I was the anonymous asshole in the comment section talking about racial differences in IQ scores.
I've been banned from hundreds of websites, forums, and subreddits for writing about this ugly aspect of science. I felt like a crazy person that was shouting complete nonsense into the wind because almost everyone would automatically dismiss my views. I also felt like I was getting absolutely nowhere and was completely wasting my time and energy on trying to normalize a scientific finding that the masses would never accept.
I was also keenly aware of the tiny number of brave scientists and academics from previous generations who had spent their entire lives trying to normalize the idea that some races were inherently more intelligent than others and had paid the price for committing that heresy by being socially ostracized. It was even more discouraging when you realized that these men were giants in their fields (Eysenck is the most cited psychologist in history), and yet almost nobody would listen to them. They had essentially wasted and ruined their lives because they dared to acknowledge what the data was telling us about racial differences in intelligence. So, if they couldn't get anywhere, then what chance do I have?
Yet, like a true religious zealot, I kept spreading the race realism Gospel wherever I could. That's the power of knowing that you're right and knowing that you've uncovered the key to understanding human inequality. You just can't help trying to spread ideas that you know in your bones are correct and extremely important.
After years of depressing online activism, I finally started to notice an uptick in people talking about this issue over the last fews years. I started to see a very small but growing number of people acknowledging racial IQ differences in the comment sections of right-wing blogs. And, like you said, in the last couple of years I've noticed a huge increase in people talking about this issue. It's rare now to read a news article or social media post about race where someone doesn't bring up racial IQ differences in the comment section.
After we red-pilled Sam Harris on this issue, I knew that we were on the verge of entering the mainstream and that our eventual victory was inevitable. After all, he's a modern liberal icon and a Jew. If anyone should be biased on this issue, then it should be him. That we won him over is proof that the data really is on our side and that the common argument that racial IQ differences is "thoroughly debunked pseudoscience" was a dishonest talking point that was concocted in order to combat the reemergence of scientific racism.
We IQ evangelists are on the ascendance, and our momentum is on the verge of receiving a massive boost now that the cost of human genome sequencing has plummeted. We've already discovered some of the genes and alleles that are linked to intelligence. And we've already discovered that these genes and alleles aren't evenly distributed across racial groups and largely mirror the racial IQ differences that we've known for decades.
The case for racial differences in intelligence being quite real and largely genetically caused is only going to get stronger and stronger as we discover more and more of these genes and alleles. 10 years from now, anyone that denies racial differences in intelligence will be viewed in much the same way that young Earth creationists are viewed now: willfully ignorant and delusional ideologues that are rejecting science because it debunks their mostly deeply held beliefs.
Who knows how the left and the world in general will react to this paradigm shift. Will the masses become race realists and more open to the rest of our ideas? Will the ranks of the pro-White movement increase dramatically now that they know that science is on their side? Or will the scientific and academic community and the media continue to ruthlessly crack down on race realists and continue to pump out egalitarian propaganda to a receptive public? Or will the left evolve by arguing that precision gene editing and embryo selection has made these racial IQ differences irrelevant? Only time will tell.
I'm not as optimistic as you are, but that's probably because I'm pessimistic by nature.