Dr. Dino Tomic #crackpot #dunning-kruger #quack #mammon polaraidhealth.com

PolarAid is based on the long-established science of scalar frequencies. PolarAid is unique. It is NOT like bio resonance charm bracelets, jewelry, pendants, magnetics or electrical devices. Scalar frequency science was first demonstrated by James Clerk Maxwell, Nikola Tesla, and Dr. Georges Lakhovsky. They advanced the concept that subtle frequencies affect all living things and the human body at the subatomic level in a powerful, positive way.

Dr. Dino Tomic has based PolarAid, on this long-held bio resonance, frequency science. His proprietary designed, concentric copper-based alloy ring antenna is perfect for today’s proactive, health conscious consumer.

“The existing base of knowledge in bioresonance medicine gives us a good understanding of the energy frequencies on which human body functions. PolarAid is an antenna that receives a wide range of frequencies drawn from the vital energy that surrounds us at all times. PolarAid polarizes, harmonizes, regulates, transforms, and amplifies these energy frequencies enabling our bodies to open blocked energy channels and utilize the frequencies our body has been missing. This encourages the body to revive and regenerate.”

“Our bodies only register the frequencies to which we are atuned. If this were not the case, our brains would receive hundreds of TV and radio signals and hundreds of programs would be playing at one time! Our wireless bluetooth, iphones and bluetooth headphones do NOT respond to the millions of frequencies that pass by them but only ‘read’ the ones it recognizes and to which they are encoded. In the same way, PolarAid reads and boosts naturally-occurring frequencies and our cells take in only what is needed.”

Dr. Dino Tomic



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