None #crackpot #psycho #racist

The Asians will take over, use Hispanics as labor and they will be not nice to blacks nor do they care about American Indian Tribes.

There is no such thing as an "asian". You probably mean Chinese. Yeah there is no such thing as a "Chinese".

You see you think China is like the US where you go anywhere and people are largely the same. In China, a person from one part does not even speak the same language and is hardly discriminated against by other parts. At best they get to be used as slave labor. But most are just taking up space and starving. China was literally starving until Nixon decided to make them our pets.

Which is happening again. Without international trade, they are doomed.

This is something Whites do not get. No matter how bad things are here, they are severely mitigated by White superiority. Everywhere else, they are starving to death.

So called hispanics btw, should frighten you. You have been lead into a delusion where you thing Spanish speaking means those scum who cross the border to pick apples. Spanish speaking countries have Whites, Blacks and Indians and none of them get along. The White people are the same in all ways to your average white person except for one thing.

We are ultranationalists. If we were in charge, we would kill every black person in the US within weeks. And here is something to keep you up late at night. You can't tell who we are. Many of the current generation do not even speak Spanish.

In my opinion, we've been holding your backbones for you for the day you want them back.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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