Dr. Michael Salla #conspiracy #wingnut #ufo #mammon exopolitics.org

New Webinar: Exopolitics & the Second American Revolution

Today, we are in the midst of a Timeline War requiring a 2nd American Revolution where Deep State, rather than British, tyranny is to be overthrown. In the process, the advanced technologies that have been hoarded, exploited, and used against the American and global citizenry will be revealed for the first time to the world.

Understanding the dynamics of this Timeline War and the need for a 2nd American Revolution requires an “expolitical” perspective on the origins of advanced technologies that were clandestinely reverse engineered and used as key instruments for maintaining the Deep State’s tyranny. The release of these advanced technologies will not only restore the American Republic but also usher in a Galactic age of unprecedented global prosperity.

Dr. Michael Salla is the author of the first published book on Exopolitics (2004) and the bestselling Secret Space Programs Book Series.

Cost: $55.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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