Elena Danaan/Dr. Michael Salla #ufo #conspiracy exopolitics.org
The Negumak are a powerful insectoid species that are the ancient enemies of the Draconian Reptilian Empire that have long interfered in human affairs. Reclusive and mysterious, the Negumak have long been courted by the Galactic Federation of Worlds to join their growing alliance against the Draconians and the latter’s Orion Gray (Nebu) allies in an ongoing galactic-wide conflict.
In this Exopolitics Today interview, Danaan describes her recent updates about attending a diplomatic meeting on April 19 involving the Negumak and their response to a renewed Galactic Federation attempt to have them join their alliance against the Draconian Empire. She claims that recent Negumak skirmishes with the Draco have created the conditions for a union to be finally formed. Such an alliance will have significant implications for Earth as humanity is on course to join the Galactic Federation after the final defeat of the Deep State, which comprises the former minions of the Draco Empire.
In 1989, the Negumak first made contact with Earth’s governments. Soon after the Draco’s Deep State minions went into action by starting a psychological warfare campaign depicting the Negumak as evil aliens with genocidal plans for humanity. In the two Alien vs Predator movies, the Predators (resembling Draco Reptilians) are depicted as frenemies to humanity, whereas the Aliens (resembling Negumak) are portrayed as genocidal.
In her interview with Dr. Michael Salla, Danaan further describes the significance of the Anunnaki siding with the Galactic Federation in a looming galactic confrontation with the Draco Empire and their allies. Her Galactic Federation sources say that a galactic war with the Draco Empire is looming and both sides are recruiting allies and preparing for the inevitable confrontation.