There is something special about white people that makes us take risks and live in a very open, exploratory, and novelty-seeking way that isn't usually seen in other races.
But even if this weren't the case I don't need there to be a reason. I love my family more than other families because they are mine; likewise with my race.
Pilots of P-51 Mustangs who shot down three of a certain type of plane over Berlin in one day in March 1945.
Even Chuck Yeager - a P-51 Mustang pilot himself - would have said those particular USAAF pilots had The Right Stuff. How?
Considering said P-51s were mere piston-engined planes, they brought down three Messerschmitt Me-262s: jets. And those pilots whose P-51s happened to have Red Tails? Tuskegee Airmen:
So it will never be the case for racists such as you: not when those risk-taking pilots more than proved not only those Nazi pilots’ opinions wrong on that day. Certainly those of their Fuhrer.
There’s an extremely good reason why the Commemorative Air Force have a P-51 Mustang in their collection with a Red Tail.
Can you figure out why, considering that particular act of bravery by those pilots, o OP…?
…but we can figure out why you named yourself after a certain Kriegsmarine ship that failed as much as you continue to do.
white people ... live in a very open, exploratory, and novelty-seeking way
Due to a high level of disposable income compared to other races.
“There is something special about white people that makes us take risks and live in a very open, exploratory, and novelty-seeking way that isn't usually seen in other races.”
First thing that comes to mind are the Hawaiians. There were people on most of the islands in the Pacific before white explorers with much more advanced ships, ever reached them.
You’re talking out your ass and ignoring a LOT of human history.
Open a book, one day, and seethe.
“I love my family more than other families because they are mine”
That explains the inbreeding.
As for the whole racial aspect, where do you draw the line? The Irish and Italians were not considered white, at some point. Jewish people certainly are not, even though Ashkenazi people are as lily white as any Anglo-Saxon. A concept such as race is nonsensical, not only because it considers phenotype as relevant, despite the complexity of genetics, but also because it never really defines the limits of its relevance. Does one drop of blood assign someone to a race over another? What happens in countries where mixing has taken place over millenia?
I am French, with ancestors from the Norman settlement about a millennium ago. Am I Nordic? Am I Keltic? Roman? There have been waves of immigration all throughout French history. How do you account for those?
There is something special about white people that makes us take risks and live in a very open, exploratory, and novelty-seeking way that isn't usually seen in other races.
Really? I dunno about that, I mean, I have no “non-white” ancestry that I am aware of, and I have to say that “risk-taker” and “novelty–seeker” are about the LAST terms I would use to describe myself, lol.
Then explain how Mongols went from the Altai to invading China, Russia, Hungary, Poland, Persia, Mesopotamia and India while attempting to invade Japan and how Arabs were sailing in the Red Sea and walking across Sahara.
Walt Bismarck, huh? Now that’s a name I haven’t heard in a while.
For those unaware, Walt Bismarck was the online handle of an alt-right “entertainer” who made parodies of songs (mostly ones from family musical films) that promoted alt-right ideology. And a lot of his songs were textbook examples of analogy backfires, such as putting his talking points in the mouths of characters who are supposed to be the villains . It was so bad that when I first saw one of his videos, I thought he was against the alt-right until I started looking at some more. And let me tell you, him casting Disney’s Frollo, of all characters, as an anti-racist “cuckservative” was ironic in the extreme.
Not sure if this is the same Walt Bismarck, but whether he is or not, this is obviously inaccurate. Or was Zheng He a white man?
So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!
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