Mike Stone #conspiracy #wingnut #elitist #psycho henrymakow.com

Let me make it very clear to you: these idiots, these Covid-Hoax deniers, are the enemy. That might sound a bit harsh to you. I assure you, it isn't. When the end game is forced vaccinations and a microchipped population, then anyone supporting that in any way is truly your enemy.

How can they not be? Are citizens who collude with an invading force any less harmful than the invading force itself? Granted, a lot of these people are mindless, frightened sheep, but does that absolve them when they have access to the same information we all do?

My best advice is to drop these people from your life. Don't spend money at their businesses. Don't visit their websites. Don't patronize their advertisers. Don't engage them in conversation or email them. Have as little to do with them as is humanly possible.

Sure, you can try to educate them. You can show them facts, information and science. But my guess is less than one in a thousand will even bother to look at the material you give them. That's how stupid they all are.

When all hell breaks loose, and that could be sooner than any of us think, it's going to be every man for himself. These idiot deniers could very well drag you down with them. Anyone who has ever been in combat will tell you that a mixture of fear and stupidity is deadly. Once the bullets start flying, people like that not only get themselves killed, they get everyone else around them killed, as well.

If you're a young person reading this, then let me tell you that the adults in your life - your teachers, counsellors, doctors, aunts and uncles, and, yes, even your parents - are almost all clueless idiots. They know enough to make a living. Some of them have graduated from prestigious universities. Some of them might even love you. But their behavior during this "crisis" is telling you that they are most likely morons at best, and traitors at worst.

Speaking of traitors, anyone actively promoting this Covid-Hoax, whether in government, education, the media, or the medical field is guilty of treason. Every. Single. One. These people should not only be shunned, they should be arrested, prosecuted and convicted. Of course, that's not going to happen. Even the Q-Anon crowd is waking up to that reality.

The battle lines have been drawn. The enemy's plan is clear. They've shown you exactly what they intend to do. This isn't some distant prophecy of the end times. It's happening right here, right now. You need to start preparing for the worst.



So were we! You can find all of this, and more, on Fundies Say the Darndest Things!

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