Various commenters #wingnut

Don’t believe the fake polls … vote these anti-American, sick, evil, demonic, commies out in November.

They're not communists, but totalitarian antiwhites.

Let’s start with deporting Jews to Israel.

@Catturd by "commies" I think you mean Jews.

@Catturd Here is a scenario: After the midterms, the Senate and House are under the control of a unified Democrat/Marxist/Socialist/Communist/Leninist party. Now, they have the apparatchik in place (armed IRS, Climate Bill, etc.) to go after the conservative opposition economically, including Gab, to start suppressong the remaining resistance. I'm not talking about violence, either. I am talking about using the laws that they created to go after citizens "legally". Sounds like a conspiracy theory? Well, we all know these conspiracy theories are being proven true more accurate with each day.

@RealSuperPatriot1776 @Catturd They will do what they are assigned to do. Allow the invasion to go with unlimited numbers of "migrants" of which many have walked on water to get to the boarder. The reduction of fuel and therefor food as in genocide will ramp up. There is only THE PARTY and the opposition is fake. Hell, to think of it what opposition?

@Catturd It's been awhile since I've said this, but it is more true today than ever: ELECTIONS ARE CORRUPT. AMERICA IS LOST.

Until Nov 2020 is figured out and resolved, this applies. You are stupid if you think with the next election it can't happen again

@Volatilityishigh @Catturd Stupid or on the other side as in protecting the occupiers just like all in the two fake/actors/role players otherwise known as "elected officials" who will make sure that the outcome based elections stay outcome based.



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