Various Commenters #transphobia #conspiracy

RE: Trans ideology: awful argument 18 Trans rights are human rights but there are no sex-based rights

(George Potter)
Couldn't agree more with what was said in the video. What I struggle to get my head around is why does such a very small minority of 'Activists' have so much power, the power to cancel a person who doesn't agree with them, or who doesn't play along with their fantasies.. State a fact, and you're in trouble with the law for 'Hate', so does this madness lie with Parliament and who we vote for? If so, lets think very carefully who we vote for at the next General Election.

Because this is not a classic bottom-up civil rights movement [which takes generations of activism to succeed], but a top-down reactionary one [spearheaded by men who are already in power, wanting even more power, by reducing "female" to an optional toy they can role-play as].

(kai 1)
Money, lot of money backing the T and being put into politicians accounts.

(Isha Obin)
If your objective is to move towards a transhumanist technocracy then erasing biological sex might speed up equal rights for robots. If your objective is more profits for the pharmaceutical/medical industry then transgenderism is your ticket. Control + profit.

(George Potter)
@kai 1 Money. The route of all evil, yes, that makes sense.



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