Various commenters #wingnut #racist
The race war already started.
They’ve just convinced White people to refuse to fight back or to actively participate in their own destruction
@Apolitical Just watching TV and walking through America’s cities you’d think America was 80% nonwhite. Then BLM happened in 2020 and all of the White people came out… marching for BLM.
@Apolitical Letting them come for your children is the cHriSTiaN THiNg To dO!
@Apolitical America? White Racial self-awareness is the first step toward loosing your chains of jewish guilt-mongering.
"Are you for WHITE America? Because if it's not White, it's NOT RIGHT!"
@Apolitical white people call for calm when an 18 yo white girl is gang raped and murdered by 4 black thugs………black folks burn down a city when a black gangsta is shot dead by a cop….and black politicians incite them to do it…
@Apolitical A great number of white people are simply cowards and won't fight back.
@blgilchrist @Apolitical Fight back against what?
@Luke67 @blgilchrist @Apolitical
The subhuman sub species that are closer to monkeys than man
Look at a picture of a negro, then a monkey, then a white.
White folks are too nice and too gullible to believe that there are other races out there that seek the White people's destruction.
Like: *nah... (They) can't mean us.
@Apolitical they’ve not only convinced whites to not fight, but to fight for the other side. This will be the first time in history that a race of people will genocide themselves.
@Apolitical I reckon the 2 year lockdown, mask mandates and jabs showed the elites clearly that the people could be easily manipulated. Far too many were here we are!
@Apolitical A war is when both sides are fighting as equally strong against each other. A genocide is when only one side is fighting. Whites aren't fighting back (aggressively, defensively or offensively); they're being genocided.