Various Commenters & Unnamed Shopkeepers #conspiracy #racist #wingnut

RE: "We do not serve Czechs" signs in shops in the vicinity of the Polish Turów mine after Czechia sued Poland due to negative effects of mining activities

Officially EU is acting on behalf of the Czechs. But aren’t the Czechs just useful idiots in Eu’s eco terrorism? Turów has been operating for decades. And it didn’t bother Czechs until EU started pushing it’s anti fossil fuels policies.

German mines are operating fine. It’s the East European countries that are constantly bullied about their emissions. A clever way to sabotage the energetic independence of smaller countries, sell more German wind and solar technology, and in general undermine the economies of countries like Poland rich in fossil fuel sources.

Im almost convicted this is the case. EU pressured us into 'agreement' to close our nuclear power plant. Except in the end we just didnt.

Now we are net exporter and also like 2nd most 'green' country on the planet, right after Korea.

This was initiated by some clerk in czech ministry. Probably over some bribe or side-profit.

Some random clerk can sue countries like that? What about the negotiations, where Poland was not cooperating at all? What about the people who have been protesting for years? 30 000 people are losing access to water sources and have to endure noise, dust and pollution. People should be angry at your authoritarian government, not the Czechs.

I would agree but why MY authoritarian goverment?

Instead of getting angry with random Czech people they should resist against the EU which did this and so many other bad things to them. The EU is not going to play fair because they are run by our enemies who want to destroy our people.



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