bettER_CHOices #sexist #psycho

RE: Cash me outside girl makes 52 million dollars from OnlyFans.

A trashy ho with no talent, who looks like a sewer hoodrat can make millions of $ for posting pics online. Rage!!

Repeating my previous comment : the only way we can make that much nowadays is to [pick up] a teen foid, lock her in a basement, and force her to cam/ do OnlyWhores for our bank account (in gta 5)

Yes, even with the extreme competition on those sites, you still make more posting pics than working 100 hours in a hospital as a surgeon. I think it was posted 2 days ago, a foid that made 250k posting pics of herself in bikini on OnlyWhores, not even fully nude :Anger:

I'm done breaking my back, destroying my knees all day for a few bucks. What's the point?? I need a :gun:to start farming money with some foids camming (in gta)



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