copecel2 #sexist

About Chads (IT won't touch this because it burns)

If there is not any bias towards ugly people, why are Chads selected for main roles in important movies? Why are Chads so popular in music videos? Why do handsome dudes are protagonists EVEN in videogames? Why do Chads are being shown on billboards, posters, newspapers, internet ads and so on?

We are not stupid to the oblivious truth. Why are ugly people ALWAYS the villains? Why are them ignored by the society? This problem runs deeply into more complex problems that we always face. I never got called 'handsome' by anyone in this life. I would put more effort in appearance if women would call me 'handsome'. For real, you can't build confidence from shallow rock, and this is proved. Unless you're someone who smokes weed and jerks off, yeah, you can have a positive outcome from your brain, but it is just a facade.

ITers are afraid of the truth that they won't realize and won't even explain logically that Chads are living life on tutorial mode and are more likely to become millionaires and well-received by the population.

Ugly people aren’t even the main villains usually. The main villains are chads just dark triad. the ugly people are the goblin henchmen and shit

I didn't mention ugly dudes are the MAIN villains, I just stated that they are the bad guys. Ugly people are the extras or minions who get gunned down in 2 seconds.



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