The Donald #psycho
[Submitter’s note: this is a reaction to Trump pardoning twenty individuals, including two corrupt ex-GOP representatives, George Papadopoulos, ICE guards who covered up executing civilians, and four Blackwater Guards who murdered Iraqi children]
Anthonysaxetogrind: Pardon anyone who's fucked up a democrat!
LookFatty: Fucking MSNBC article makes me want to puke. Fucking "other one term presidents". GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SHOULD BE A 5 TERM PRESIDENT. STEELING MY FUCKING COUNTRY ASSHOLE'S. FUCKING SHOULD BE EXECUTED
ImpeachedDeplorable: Clinton and Obama pardoned Puerto Rican FALN terrorists and bombers, and a variety of US born domestic terrorists. You can tell where an administration's sympathies lie--POTUS with our soldiers and sailors, Obama and Clinton with our enemies.
MooseKnukle3: next pardon joe exotic