
PWsecretlysubpoenaed #conspiracy #dunning-kruger #pratt #wingnut patriots.win

The war in Ukraine is faKe

Check the q posts. It's all orchestrated with crisis actors to make you think there's a war but really Based Putin is using it as a front as he clears out the secret tunnels of the kidnapped children that Joe Biden was using to milk adrenochrome from. Russia is taking down the globalists and nobody is really dying except for the oligarchs who are being flown to Guantanamo as we speak to await trial. Don't believe any images of missile strikes, people fleeing cities, or tanks rolling into Ukrainian territory bc it's all cgi made by the black hats to make you think there's a big war going on when there really isn't

Brubba #fundie #conspiracy patriots.win


The left baited the Christians into believing the Satanic Panic of the 80s and 90s, which included video games and movies indirectly. That's why people think free speech isn't right wing.

That was no panic. It was all real.

TruthDefenseForce #dunning-kruger #fundie #pratt #racist #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

I Can't See a Way Forward Without a Patriarchal, White Nationalist Christian Nation. Can You?

Patriarchy is a counter to the effeminacy that is plaguing society. It leads to purpose, happiness and fulfilment, something this matriarchy does not lead to.

White Nationalism counters the racial divide in order to promote unity.

Traditional Christianity (not modern woke secular humanism masquerading as Christianity) promotes an ideal objective moral code upon society to combat the evil and degradation in society.

Combined together is the ideal society for our people.

minotaurbeach #conspiracy #homophobia patriots.win

Harvey Milk was a pedophile. He only dated underage runaway boys, he did not want 'Gay Marriage' because he did not want to pay money or compensate when he threw out his boys that got 'too old.'

The Deep state wanted him pushing gay marriage, but he refused and wanted the pedophile agenda- he was killed. They used his death to push Feinstein into power.

The Gay community publically rejected the pedophile movement in 1980, and became the targeted focus of the AIDS agenda.

unique_string #conspiracy patriots.win

What hasn’t there been any arrests yet? This question has been vexing many of us, here is the answer:

Even though he is the nation’s chief law enforcement officer, President Trump can’t have anyone arrested because the deepstaters in the deepstate department who would be ordered to make the arrest will either find a reason to refuse or find a way to fuck it up. If the deepstate didn’t manage to find a way to fail at the arrest and destroy all of the evidence in the process then the arrestee would go before a deepstate judge to be prosecuted by a deepstate prosecutor and there would be no conviction. If President Trump wanted to have Hunter Biden or any of the others arrested then he would probably have to grab his gun and some cuffs and go and do it himself.

WikkiWikki420 #wingnut #psycho patriots.win

Funnily enough... On April 20th this year, china virus having disrupted the country with large shutdowns, I knew something big was coming. I decided then and there to get my shit in order by starting a diet. I chose keto. Since then I have gone from 236 lbs to a cool 176 lbs. With that diet in mind, I have had energy of a raging pissed off alpha lion and been exercising and working out since. I grew up as a grappler, with many years of training there really isn't much that worries or scares me in confrontation. Though I will admit that submission style fighting isn't going to win wars... I will say that I feel 1000x more confident now in holding my own against 2 or even 3 commie faggots than if this were to happen at the beginning of the year.

As we all should be aware, there are the occasional commie faggot that may be in shape and may even know a thing or two about fighting, we simply can't let our guard down and we must be prepared at all times to counter any commie faggot attack. Fortunately 98% or more of them all either skinny lanky sticks because communism is shit or they are blubbering obese sacks of shit because communism is shit. The one thing we know is they do not come in singles, because they are commies and can't fight their own fight. That alone gives me hope for the Proud Boys in infiltration, but also makes me worry for them.

Either way, Pedes, the point is.... staying in shape is a whole lot easier than getting so far gone that you have to prepare for the better part of a year to get back into tip top fighting condition. And if you are out of shape or do not exercise or workout, now is the time to start... not tomorrow, but now!!!

On January 6th, the sun will shine bright and part the skies for all Pedes and will guide us to victory. Stay strong, keep the faith and never ever surrender this great land of ours to the evils of globalism and commie faggots. WE ALREADY WON!!!

Barbs #conspiracy #crackpot #quack patriots.win

AIDS doesn’t exist.

HIV exists, but it’s got nothing to do with AIDS. Fauci fucked up the “AIDS epidemic” worse than Covid, so badly in fact he got promoted.

The AZT drug they give people for AIDS killed more people than “the virus” did, just like ventilators killed more people than Covid.

Sooner or later people will realize that the “AIDS epidemic” was a dry run for manufactured public health scares, and “wear a condom” was that era’s “wear your mask.”

sun_wolf #conspiracy patriots.win

I know Chauvin didn’t kill Floyd and his knee was just on his back, but when the screaming crowd started to form around him, yelling, “Stop! You’re killing him! Stop! You’re killing him!”, all of them videotaping it for social media, why did he just... stare off into space with a dazed look in his eyes for nine minutes?

Doesn’t that seem like a valid question?

I’m not saying he needed to jump up and let Floyd go. But instead of just staring into the camera saying nothing, he could have leaned down and spoken to Floyd. “Are you okay? Are you going to stop resisting?” He could have shifted his knee and continued to assert pressure on Floyd’s back with his arms. He could have done all sorts of little things that would not have created such a controversial videotape.

I mean it was like Chauvin went into some kind of fugue state or something. It was really weird. And yet how would he not know this situation was escalating and could come back to bite him. He literally had a crowd of people around him screaming, “He can’t breathe! You’re killing him!” Yes, the toxicology and coroner reports show the crowd was wrong, but it’s still an angry crowd forming into an angry mob. A smart police officer could have handled that in a way that was less enraging to the crowd.

This is why I think the whole thing was staged and Chauvin was in on it (I don’t even think George Floyd is dead). But even rejecting that theory (which could be wrong), it still doesn’t make sense why Chauvin acted like such a dazed apathetic moron.

Viewer01 #conspiracy patriots.win

We're two months in and magically this stuff starts up again after 4 years of low or no shootings. The Las Vegas shooting was almost assuredly an Saudi assassination attempt on US soil. This is assuredly some CIA or other program to radicalize or straight pay them off to do these things.


Basically the crown prince was in Vegas gambling on the down low. Various Saudi factions paid for an assassin squad to take him out. That’s why Paxton or whoever had a room slap full of guns and ammo like that. The room the deal went down in was a floor below the four seasons that is also Saudi owned. So they were basically just going to fight their way up the stairs and kill him.

However he had slipped out and some random security guard called the cops due to assailants barricading the floor. So the deal went south and they shot the Paxton guy and then decided to cover by shooting into the crowd and at some fuel tanks to cause a diversion.

There’s video of the fbi being in all the casinos trying to find the prince and escorting him out. This is why we never heard anything more about it, because the fbi covered it up. If you recall shortly thereafter Trump went to Saudi Arabia and the country started liberalizing and arrested a shit ton of the royal family, amongst other things. The general theory was trump put the fear of god into the king and made a deal to keep it quiet.

The Donald #psycho patriots.win

[Submitter’s note: this is a reaction to Trump pardoning twenty individuals, including two corrupt ex-GOP representatives, George Papadopoulos, ICE guards who covered up executing civilians, and four Blackwater Guards who murdered Iraqi children]

Anthonysaxetogrind: Pardon anyone who's fucked up a democrat!

LookFatty: Fucking MSNBC article makes me want to puke. Fucking "other one term presidents". GO FUCK YOURSELVES. SHOULD BE A 5 TERM PRESIDENT. STEELING MY FUCKING COUNTRY ASSHOLE'S. FUCKING SHOULD BE EXECUTED

ImpeachedDeplorable: Clinton and Obama pardoned Puerto Rican FALN terrorists and bombers, and a variety of US born domestic terrorists. You can tell where an administration's sympathies lie--POTUS with our soldiers and sailors, Obama and Clinton with our enemies.

MooseKnukle3: next pardon joe exotic

FuckGovernment #wingnut #transphobia #conspiracy patriots.win

1. Texas secedes

2. Other states follow

3. Federal government declares Civil War II under Bitch Biden

4. We crush demoKKKrat pussies. Won't take 4 years this time.

5. We carve off Maine and exile all demoKKKrats to that location and tell them to Fuck off or go join Canada.

6. We strictly enforce borders and protect our new MAGA union. We outlaw communism, make English the official language, make genital mutilation a felony, outlaw abortion and hang all abortionists and pedophiles and everyone involved in the 2020 election steal.

nankingRoastie #crackpot #sexist #wingnut patriots.win

Harvey weinstein did nothing wrong.

Women who slept with him did so for access to his wealth and power. They are the predators.

Women who refused to sleep with him did so because they didn't want to. And he didn't rape them for refusing.

This anger toward HW is VERY alt-leftist and it centers on the concept of Female Hypoagency, the idea that adult women aren't making their own choices, and men are perennial oppressors of women.

Just stop.

Various Trump Supporters #conspiracy #wingnut patriots.win

[Regarding Trump considering starting his own political party]

Can't wait for my vote for the Patriot Party to be switched to a vote for a democrat.

Or Republican depending on who pays more

So what we've really accomplished is starting a bidding war between the Democrats and Republicans.

Well, at least it will be more expensive for them to steal an election.

Don't worry... your tax dollars will be hard at work in New contracts after they "win"

Various Trump Supporters #fundie #wingnut #conspiracy patriots.win

[Context: in response to a republican ad campaign for the senate elections]

Are they completely insane?

Call your voters racist terrorists, stab a highly successful and beloved Republican president in the back and the face, hand over the future of the country to an absolutely lunatic Democrat Party and the Communist Chinese + ??? = success

No, just that fucking stupid.

The insane and mentally handicapped have excuses, and ignorance can be remedied, but these cocksuckers are just terminally stupid -- and there is no cure for that.

(Testosteroneape2000 )
Looks like soros will have to fund both parties now.

Pootytang #wingnut #elitist patriots.win

I’m so sick of people saying “this is terrible for our democracy”, I don’t give a fuck about Democracy, I care about God given individual rights that are supposed to be protected by the Constitution. Democracy is fucking mob rule that leads to Socialism.

Truth_Dispenser #crackpot #racist #wingnut patriots.win

Biracial Suspect. Not Back. Not White. These violent people do not have proper family structure. Black people grow well in a proper black family. White people grow well in a proper white family. Biracial/Mixed racial families require a lot of compromises and lifestyle choices due to racial differences and its necessities. Children born in these families struggle to identify themselves to one particular race resulting in jealousy against their own other half. Media, liberalism and degenerate lifestyle is further motivating and enabling such behavior! This is the result, and it not one of a kind!

patriots.win #wingnut #psycho #conspiracy patriots.win

HeavyMetalPatriot: Apparently the Burmese military loves their country more than our military gives a damn about the USA. I never imagined I'd see the day the USMC abandon their oath and let the commie scum take power here.

Monsterfan: One of the most difficult things for me in this is realizing our military at least in the higher officer corps is totally compromised and have betrayed their oaths. I certainly won't care when Biden sends them to die in a foreign desert.

BidensHairyLega: Any Officer that was O-6 or above on January 2017 needs vetted and more than likely expelled from the service. Big Mike's bottom bitch vetted the senior ranks for ideological purity during his regime.

War_Hamster: Not only that, but Critical Race Theory is all over the service academies, where the students also happen to be appointed by politicians. What could go wrong?

War_Hamster: Maybe not. Myanmar military appears to be CCP stooges.

patriots.win posters #racist patriots.win

AdamFox99: I mean, were it not for Jackson and the Trail of Tears, how would the country look today?

Toughsky_Shitsky: Like a trailer park full of drunk and doped up rapists. See any Injun reservation for an example.

AdamFox99: Little racis… no?

Toughsky_Shitsky: Ever been to an Injun reservation? Know anyone who has been raped on one? Know the drug, alcohol, and rape statistics on Injun reservations? If facts are rayciss to you, maybe go live on an Injun reservation for a year. Report back with your findings.

BibleProphecyFulfill #conspiracy patriots.win

These Republicans all behave like someone who was blackmailed.

The Deep State modus operandi is to promote compromised individuals like Joe Biden and Liz Cheney, steal elections for them, and then have a rubber-stamp in office who will do what they tell him under threat of prosecution.

Various Commenters #dunning-kruger #homophobia #pratt #psycho #sexist #transphobia #wingnut patriots.win

RE: We're reaching levels of tranny mental illness that shouldn't even be possible.



I take solice in knowing at least one of them will commit suicide in the near future.

If we're lucky, both.


how are there men out there that want to have sex with another man but to have their penis and balls cutoff first?

Gee when you put it like that it almost sounds like a mental illness 🤔

How dare you perceive reality correctly

Trans people don't exist, it's just extra kinky homosexuals. Change my mind.


I'm not sure what I just read. Trannies hate gays? I'm not even going to try and comprehend this shit.

homosexuality is more or less normalized (ugh)

trannies arent anywhere close to that level of acceptance (yet)

The insanely unrealistic expectations, the mood swings, the lack of disclosure until after the fact... are we sure this isn't a woman or is it just the hormone therapy?

I’m not sure if the never-stick-it-in-the-crazy rule applies here. Confused.

I’m pretty sure the toss-off-a-roof rules DOES apply, though.

Roof, parking garage, mountain top...whatever is handy.

That's a 41%er homophobe. 🤡

41% isn't high enough.

It's a good start...


The trans community is the most hateful, degenerate group of scumbags I've ever seen in my life.

Look at those horrid, beastly, things that trotted out front of Netflix protesting Dave Chappelle. Those nasty dudes are all sorts of messed up. It always starts with getting diddled at some point as a kid and then they go on to recruit and perpetuate the sickness.

Not all faggots are pedos, but all pedos are faggots.


I wish the earth was flat so we could throw them all off the edge.

The whole planet is an edge if you have a helicopter.

BarbaraStreisand & SenateAnon #conspiracy patriots.win

[RE: A discussion about Q possibly being a fraud due to the Trump presidency coming and going without “The Storm” happening]

“The Anon before Q was SenateAnon was said to “keep digging into Racine” before they vanished.”

on September 11th, 2017 SenateAnon said:

“Both parties are trying to get Trump to bend the knee, and he still refuses. Pence is a traitor, so is Paul Ryan, and
Trump has no one to help him drain the swamp. It's high time someone broke ranks and told you what's really going on in

Just 7 weeks later the disinformation campaign known as "QAnon" began. Here are the SenateAnon threads:

Voat Rundown:


SenateAnon 4chan Threads:

PART I https://archive.fo/eOLHb
PART II https://archive.fo/w74Qg
PART III https://archive.fo/jx3L0
PART IV https://archive.fo/XYjw2

8chan thread with insiders leaking info:


libman #wingnut patriots.win

We need a Secession Party!

(Perhaps by reforming the Libertarian Party and kicking out the SJWs.)

Donald Trump is USA's very last chance... After that:

We need political migration to Republican-majority counties: ideally in solid-red states, and ideally not landlocked. Buy up all the land, vote out all the commies, and do Gandhi-style non-violent resistance until we are free!

Japan4Salt #sexist #fundie #wingnut patriots.win

You mean basically what we had before 1960 then.
Also, matriarchy is a myth because it goes against the natural order. Thats why we made it this far under a so-called patriarchy anyway.
Also some people are conflating feminism with simple respect for women. This is a problem. The so called patriarchy is not anti-women or disrespectful towards women, it just flows based on the natural differences between men and women.

Prince32 #homophobia patriots.win

🚫👎🏻😡DISNEY’S new movie called OUT about a Gay man. I’m fucking furious. My daughter that’s only 8 years old happen to stumble upon this crap. She came to me and was like daddy can to boys marry? She’s only 8 years old. Damn them. They are not family friendly anymore and I’m canceling membership!

defiant_liberty #conspiracy patriots.win

I've always had a theory about Soros. Think about it, he was a young teen going through puberty at the very time his adopted father was going around rounding up Jewish families. Maybe they gave him the children as "rewards" for his assistance to do with them "as he wanted". Soros did once say that it was the most enjoyable time of his life. It would also explain a lot about Soros and the leftist movement association with people like Epstein, not to mention I bet that outraged little girl Gretta was a real hit with him, no wonder he made her the star of his show. Times of economic ruin and war also create lots of destroyed families and helpless children, which would explain a lot about his economic and political agenda.

nocomply55 #conspiracy #racist patriots.win

All blek. This is something some people here need to come to terms with. Bleks, no doubt for reasons of greed, either financial or professional, were absolutely on board to cheat as much as they were asked to. In every swing state, the most outrageous voter fraud was perpetrated by bleks. Bleks are seditionists. They do not care about this country. They care about personal gain and that's it. I'll get shit for this post but i don't care. There is a race problem in this country. You can deny it but you're just lying to yourself.

Various Trump Supporters #sexist #transphobia #fundie patriots.win

[RE: Regarding White House Press Secretary Kayleigh McEnany]

100% Guarantee she will be the last attractive press sec. Probably going to be filled by a tranny now.

If true the journos will be suckin its yuge clit

That tranny will get questions like:

1. What's it feel like to do the most awesome things ever?

2. When will this administration criminalize supporting Trump? Sorry if this question is too hard

3. Could I taste your lady penis?

ftc316 #conspiracy #wingnut patriots.win

PATRIOTS, pick up the phone today and keep calling state Senators in the swing states. NV and MI are lowest priority. They are not gonna do squat but PA, AZ, GA and WI were on the verge of de-certifying up until Wed. PA even sent a letter to Congress to stop the count of their electors. They can all still overturn their electors and de-certify their votes. The only date that matters in the Constitution is JANUARY 20th. Wednesday didn't mean SQUAT. We had them on the ropes up until Wednesday and they were all ready to act. There are still court cases pending in these states. Maricopa county was begging people to stop calling. If we let up now because of the false vote and narrative they and the MSM pushed on Wednesday they will think we have given up. When they say it is over tell them it is NOT according to the Constitution. You expect them to do the right thing, stop the obvious fraud in their states, and finish their investigations and DE-CERTIFY THE EC votes or they will regret it next election. Now is the time to KEEP FIGHTING and let them know this is NOT OVER. Do not give in or they will cave and think we have given up. PA started session on the 5th, WI started the 4th, AZ and GA start Mon the 11th. This is still the path to victory through the STATE LEGISLATORS and they will come through if they think we are still active and have not given up on this BS that went down on Wednesday. Never begged for a Sticky mods but please get this on the front page so everyone knows to keep fighting and PICK UP THE PHONE TODAY AND EVERY DAY TILL JAN. 19th and TELL THEM TO DE-CERTIFY this FRAUD in PA, AZ, WI and GA!!

Warcraft1966 #psycho #racist patriots.win

For context, this is about Vikings CB Jeff Gladney being arrested for allegedly trying to kill his girlfriend.

Oh by the way the women in question was white. Go out with an animal, then don't be surprised if you get mauled. She didn't deserve to be murdered but she asked for it. Nature thinning the herd.

Various Trump Supporters #conspiracy #racist #psycho #wingnut patriots.win

[RE: THEY HATE US; THEY REALLY HATE US: Chuck Schumer hopes Texas “learned a lesson:” https://nypost.com/2021/02/21/chuck-schumer-rips-texas-for-ignoring-climate-change/]

there's no more reasoning with the evil. it must be destroyed.

Wow, a Jew from NY doesn’t like conservative Texans.

I’m shocked.

Oy vey shut it down

[The idea that Jews have nothing but contempt and disdain for white Christian conservatives is a classic anti-Semitic trope!]

They vote 80% democrat and basically created bolshevik communism...but by all means continue to pretend they love us and America.

*obligatory downvotes within seconds of posting a statistic AND historical fact. Good job cuckservatives, is this how we are going to win?? Lol

They are Bolsheviks.